Monday, July 27, 2009

Canoe Camping - 2009

I thnk I am ready to sell the house, quit my job and spend my days riding my bike, hiking and camping with the kids. Oh yeah - gotta pay for college. Oh well.

Michael, the kids and I spent the weekend camping on the Potomac with the Skoloda's (minus Maureen and Natalie - Natalie had a big swim meet and I hear she rocked it!). It was all boys and me.

The camping area is completely unsupported - no bath houses, toilets, garbage cans, etc. Other than a fire ring and a bare spot for the tent, you are on your own. And the only way to access the site is via boat - canoe in our case, thus keeping it simple is key. Only bring what is necessary - which includes at least two cases of Yeungling! We spent the entire day yesterday canoeing up the C&O Canal and down the Potomac through the rapids. I'll post pictures - the ones I took before I dunked my camera when I flipped my canoe! (I had just taken it out of the dry bag to snap pictures of the kids riding the rapids on their backs - oh well, it was a cheap camera and though the pictures are a litttle fuzzy, at least I still have them)

Joey and his boys along with Micheal and Seth are still camping. I wish I could have stayed (despite the rain last night), but I had to bring Brendan and Ethan home last so that they could get ready for a week at overnight adventure camp - for which they leave in an hour. I am already jealous of them.

hmmmm.... wondering if college is really necessary ; )

Pictures available at:

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